Alright time for a recipe for real food, after all those food pics.
Yesterday I went running with a friend and afterwards we wanted to eat healthy but moreover we wanted to have food quick! Therefore we made a couscous salade. Hereby the recipe.
Ingredients for 2 persons
- 1 cup raw couscous
- 1 zucchini and/or 1aubergine (if you think of it before the training, you can marinate it in oyster saus)
- a hand full of raisins
- half a slice of soft goat cheese
- dried thyme
- 1 beef cube
Preparation 12-15 minutes
Boil water, but the couscous in a large bowl together with the crumbed beef cube and the enough water. Stir it and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes (the time it takes to bake the zucchini and aubergine). Then, duh, bake the zucchini and aubergine with a tea spoon of olive oil and if you want a spoon of oyster saus.
Do the vegetables together with the by then dried up couscous (if you used too much water, sieve the couscous till the couscous is dry). Crumble the goat cheese in the salade, put the hand full of raisins with it and a bit of thyme. Mix it all and bon appetit!
Yesterday I went running with a friend and afterwards we wanted to eat healthy but moreover we wanted to have food quick! Therefore we made a couscous salade. Hereby the recipe.
Ingredients for 2 persons
- 1 cup raw couscous
- 1 zucchini and/or 1aubergine (if you think of it before the training, you can marinate it in oyster saus)
- a hand full of raisins
- half a slice of soft goat cheese
- dried thyme
- 1 beef cube
Preparation 12-15 minutes
Boil water, but the couscous in a large bowl together with the crumbed beef cube and the enough water. Stir it and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes (the time it takes to bake the zucchini and aubergine). Then, duh, bake the zucchini and aubergine with a tea spoon of olive oil and if you want a spoon of oyster saus.
Do the vegetables together with the by then dried up couscous (if you used too much water, sieve the couscous till the couscous is dry). Crumble the goat cheese in the salade, put the hand full of raisins with it and a bit of thyme. Mix it all and bon appetit!