donderdag 19 februari 2015

Coffee cult

Today I had so many deadlines and appointments, I lived on caffeine.. Just like my favorite comedy characters in Gilmore Girls, Lorerai and Rory.

I am very curious though about the whole coffee(shop) cult that evolved in the Netherlands (and in many places I guess). Drinking coffee has become so hip and part of the hipster lifestyle, you should almost be ashamed of yourself if you can not think of something else then a regular cappuccino to order. And after 12!? Never ever drink cappuccino after 12. You insult the Italians, the motherland of the coffee. I mean, if you are soo repulsed by a black filter coffee or a espresso of good quality, at least order a flat white, right?

The most curious part is that this lifestyle is part of the new spiritual/mindfulness/follow your passion and the rest will fall in place/seize the day lifestyle, which argues that you should live with what you have, not upload your energy with a shot espresso... See?

However today it fitted right in my schedule. To hell with all inconsistencies of the coffee cultre. Today I needed coffee and sugar. Because boy I tell you, most 'special coffees' contain so much suger, you should be ashamed of thát! When you walk past a Starbucks, consider for a moment, do you smell coffee or sugar?

My favorite the 'special' coffees is the Spanish latte of the coffee company. ... Or maybe the bambino?
Spanish latte is a latte (1 part espresso, 1 part hot milk and 1 part milk foam, yes I know my barista basics), with two suger shots: vanille and cinnamon. Delicious and it really tastes like Spain.
On the other hand there is the bambino, which is more an Italian type of coffee. One part espresso, 2 parts hot chocolate and whipped cream on top. Very comforting.

When at the university, I am condemned to the most lousy coffee machines. Here I prefer also the combination of sugar and coffee (yes in that order), but then the Austrian version: the wiener melange (coffee-taste-a-like with a lot of chocolate-taste-a-like sugar.

All in all, a very international day. Santé!

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